For more information on treatment of user data, please see the OpenStreetMap data protection statement at: The Akademie der Künste will use this data exclusively to provide you with information about the Akademie.
This process is used for website optimisation. They make it possible to analyse how the website is used. OpenStreetMap is a free editable map of the whole world which has been largely prepared from scratch by volunteers and is published under an Open Content Licence.
This information is usually transmitted to an OpenStreetMap server, where it is stored. Privacy Policy This English version of the German privacy policy page is intended to inform and assist i nternational visitors. Online Ticket Shop The personal data of customers purchasing admission tickets and other customers taking advantage of the online ticket shop are collected, processed and used in compliance with German data protection laws and to the extent required for the execution of the agreement.
We will not disclose your data or make it available to third parties.
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Your personal data will be deleted when you cancel the service. If you do not agree to the storage and evaluation of this data while visiting our website, you may object to such use at any time by activating the check box with your mouse. No information generated by a cookie about your use of the website will be disclosed to third parties. This English version of the German privacy policy page is intended to inform and assist i nternational visitors. The personal data of customers purchasing admission tickets and other customers taking advantage of the online ticket shop are collected, processed and used in compliance with German data protection laws and to the extent required for the execution of the agreement. Additionally, you also have the right to correct, block or delete your personal data in accordance with legal regulations. No information generated by a cookie about your use of the website will be disclosed to third parties. The aim of the project is to encourage new and interesting applications of this data. This website uses the map service OpenStreetMap. |
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For more information on treatment of user data, please see the OpenStreetMap data protection statement at: This information is usually transmitted to an OpenStreetMap server, where it is stored. Additionally, you also have the right to correct, block or delete your personal data in accordance with legal regulations. They make it possible to analyse how the website is used. If you have questions with regard to the processing and use of your personal data, you may exercise your right to receive free information about your stored personal data at any time. The provider of the present website has no influence on this data transmission. Additionally, you also have the right to correct, block or delete your personal data in accordance with legal regulations. Privacy Policy This English version of the German privacy policy page is intended to inform and assist i nternational visitors. |
Additionally, you also have the right to correct, block or delete your personal data in accordance with legal regulations. Your Rights If you have questions with regard to the processing and use of your personal data, you may exercise your right to receive free information about your stored personal data at any time.
Privacy Policy This English version of the German privacy policy page is intended to inform and assist i nternational visitors.
This information is usually transmitted to an OpenStreetMap server, where it is stored. We will not disclose your data or make it available to third parties.
This English version of the German privacy policy page is intended to inform and assist i nternational visitors. The usage information generated by a cookie is transferred to our server and stored exclusively for this purpose, i. If you delete the cookies in your browser this will also include the opt-out cookie, and you will likely need to reactivate it to opt out again.
Your Rights If you have questions with regard to the processing and use of your personal data, you may exercise your right to receive free information about your stored personal data at any time.
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The personal data of customers purchasing admission tickets and other customers taking advantage of the online ticket shop are collected, processed and used in compliance with German data protection laws and to the extent required for the execution of the agreement. During this process your IP address is immediately made anonymous, which means that you remain unrecognisable to us as users. The OpenStreetMap licence permits access to map images and to all underlying map data free of charge or virtually free of charge. The provider of the present website has no influence on this data transmission. |
This website uses the map service OpenStreetMap. Online Ticket Shop The personal data of customers purchasing admission tickets and other customers taking advantage of the online ticket shop are collected, processed and used in compliance with German data protection laws and to the extent required for the execution of the agreement. We will not disclose your data or make it available to third parties.
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Your Rights If you have questions with regard to the processing and use of your personal data, you may exercise your right to receive free information about your stored personal data at any time. In this association the Akademie der Künste is authorized to store customer data for internal statistical purposes. This process is used for website optimisation. During this process your IP address is immediately made anonymous, which means that you remain unrecognisable to us as users. Your Rights If you have questions with regard to the processing and use of your personal data, you may exercise your right to receive free information about your stored personal data at any time. Online Ticket Shop The personal data of customers purchasing admission tickets and other customers taking advantage of the online ticket shop are collected, processed and used in compliance with German data protection laws and to the extent required for the execution of the agreement. This English version of the German privacy policy page is intended to inform and assist i nternational visitors. |
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This website uses the map service OpenStreetMap. They make it possible to analyse how the website is used. Online Ticket Shop The personal data of customers purchasing admission tickets and other customers taking advantage of the online ticket shop are collected, processed and used in compliance with German data protection laws and to the extent required for the execution of the agreement.
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Additionally, you also have the right to correct, block or delete your personal data in accordance with legal regulations. Your Rights If you have questions with regard to the processing and use of your personal data, you may exercise your right to receive free information about your stored personal data at any time. In this association the Akademie der Künste is authorized to store customer data for internal statistical purposes. During this process your IP address is immediately made anonymous, which means that you remain unrecognisable to us as users. The provider of the present website has no influence on this data transmission. |
Your Rights If you have questions with regard to the processing and use of your personal data, you may exercise your right to receive free information about your stored personal data at any time.
During this process your IP address is immediately made anonymous, which means that you remain unrecognisable to us as users. The personal data of customers purchasing admission tickets and other customers taking advantage of the online ticket shop are collected, processed and used in compliance with German data protection laws and to the extent required for the execution of the agreement.
In any matters of dispute, the original German version takes precedent.
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